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Showing posts from January, 2018

See Donald Trump speech as he blast Africa and co

*"DONALD TRUMP'S SPEECH ON WHY HE HATES AFRICANS & ARABS".* *We are not obliged, even for a second, to try to prove to anybody and especially to blacks and Arabs that we are superior people - we have demonstrated that to the black and Arabs in 1001 ways.* *The America we know today was not created by wishful thinking.We  created it at the expenses of intelligence, sweat, and blood.....we do not pretend like other whites that we like the blacks - We must admit, without any fear, that we don't like them, and for so, so, many valid reasons.* *The fact that blacks and Arabs look like human beings does not necessarily make them sensible human beings. Hedgehogs are not porcupines and lizards are not crocodiles because they look alike. if God had wanted us to be equal to blacks and Arabs, he would have created us all of a uniform colour and intellect. But he created us differently. Whites, blacks, yellow, the rulers and the ruled. intellectually we are superior to