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See Donald Trump speech as he blast Africa and co

*We are not obliged, even for a second, to try to prove to anybody and especially to blacks and Arabs that we are superior people - we have demonstrated that to the black and Arabs in 1001 ways.*
*The America we know today was not created by wishful thinking.We  created it at the expenses of intelligence, sweat, and blood.....we do not pretend like other whites that we like the blacks - We must admit, without any fear, that we don't like them, and for so, so, many valid reasons.*
*The fact that blacks and Arabs look like human beings does not necessarily make them sensible human beings. Hedgehogs are not porcupines and lizards are not crocodiles because they look alike. if God had wanted us to be equal to blacks and Arabs, he would have created us all of a uniform colour and intellect. But he created us differently. Whites, blacks, yellow, the rulers and the ruled. intellectually we are superior to the blacks and Arabs.That has been proven beyond the reasonable doubt over the years.*
*I believe that a white man is an honest, God fearing person who has demonstrated practically the right way of being a human. By now every one of us has seen it practically that blacks and Arabs cannot rule themselves. Give them guns and they will kill each other.*
*They are good in nothing else but making noise, dancing, marrying many wives, alcoholism, witchcraft, indulging in sex, pretending in church, jealousy, fighting and complaining of bad leadership; but, yet refuse to take a decisive action and protest to remove the brigands from position of power.*
*Their only main concern (which according to me is stupidity of the highest magnitude) is same - sex marriages.They keep pointing fingers to us, we the west, that we have legalised it in our countries, and that we always outspokenly support gay people around the world. And because they always foolishly want to demostrate their ignorance, hatred and fear about the subject, some of them have even enacted harsh laws to codemn their own gay citizens.This shows that beyond illusions and doubt, what people do with their own bodies is Africans main concern. I hear they even strip their women publicly.*
*Let us all accept the fact that the black man is a symbol of poverty, mental inferiority, laziness and emotional incompetence.To make the matter worse, he can do everything possible to defend his stupidity. Give them money for development and they will fight and create hatred and enmity for themselves. Drill oil wells for them and they will not have peace all the days of their life.*
*See, for instance, what's happening in Nigeria (a Country blessed with abundant resources), Southern Sudan, Malawi, DRC just to mention a few.*
*"This proves to anybody including a stupid fool that Africans do not know what they want. isn't that plausible"?*
*"They are like monkeys looking for already ripping banana all over the world!!!.*
*Therefore that the white man is created to rule the black man, Africans will always have day dreams.*
*And here is the creature (black man) that lacks foresight but only sees what is near him and still fails to know what to do"*
*A black man is stupid to the extent that he cannot plan for his life beyond a year. Therefore how can they develop and live longer.*
*"Corruption in the west (And China) is a big abomination,  but  in Africa, it's so huge that it is slowly becoming an acceptable way of life!!!.*(Shame, isn't it?)
*They sing and rejoice to their corrupt political leaders.They worship their scandal-ridden religious leaders like their gods. Lest you forget, these so called Africans are praising, dancing and praying for the people that have impoverished them,and who comes to hide their loot here.*
*Then which fool argues that the black man is not born a beggar, grows a beggar, looks a beggar, falls sick as a beggar and dies a beggar. this has been proven beyond reasoning.*
*I wonder why even up to now most Africans still go to school by force, and those who are at school are are just drug addicts who don't know what took them there. This is a pregnant stupidity in Africa that needs Jesus's immediate second coming. the body of Africans is a very fertile ground for all diseases in the world because they don't fear even HIV/AIDS.*
*This leaves me with a question:  Are our eyes created the same with those Africans? I hear there are still cultures in Africa that prohibit them from using latrines which is very annoying.*
*"They cried for independence but have failed to rule themselves". For sure being African is a very untreatable disease that even prayers are not enough.*
*They have minerals but they cannot do anything with it. Therefore let us (whites) go to Africa and pick what we can pick and leave what is of no use. Poverty is a disease to the whites, but to the blacks it is very normal.*
*"Look at what is currently going on in Nigeria National Assembly.  Legislators amending the constitution to favor themselves at the expense of two (200) million Nigerians. The present administration now have no economic blueprint plan,  rather than noise and false propaganda. Characterised with hatred and witch hunt/impoverishment".*
*"Majority of these legislators are treasury looters who are intellectually barren but using the ill gotten wealth to oppress the citizens of that great country".*
*"What a shame"!*
*Black people with black sense, and a sick president in London for medical tourism!!!.*
*The worst tragedy in Africa is that if you dare stand up and speak up for what's right, you may end up regretting.*
*"The few wise and open-minded Africans who have tried to educate these fools about civilization have met the worst.They have been pushed hard on the wall, they have been silenced and others have been killed".*
*Before I finish, let me tell Africans that before you jump and call me a racist, an anti-blacks or whatever term you may wish to use against me,1st tackle  runaway corruption, dreadful terrorism, tribalism, poverty, unemployment,  diseases, illiteracy, ignorance, and  inequality, that have put your whole continent on the verge of collapse".*
*"Hate me or love me, I don't care.I know this is the plain truth which will never see the light of the day to the cowards that are afraid to be told as it is".*
*"Jesus please hurry and save Africans and Arabs". A WORD IS ENOUGH FOR THE WISE.*
*By- Donald .J. Trump.*


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